Our Eternal Home

2020-10-25 – When the Lord is Our Shepherd – Part 3 – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas
2 Samuel 7:1-17; Psalm 23; John 14:1-14

  • All Saints Day vs. Halloween
    • Fear about death vs peace about death
  • Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is the one who saves us.
    • Psalm 23:6 – The Lord transforms our lives. Goodness and mercy today and eternal life in the house of the Lord tomorrow!

Our Eternal Home

  • So how do we get to experience life in our Father’s house?
  • Goodness and Mercy – When the Lord is My Shepherd pp. 123-124.
    • Jesus gives us this goodness and mercy by dying on the cross for our sake.
    • John 10:11 – “The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
    • Jesus “came not to be served but to serve.” (Matthew 20:28)
    • Jesus serves us by guiding us, protecting us, and providing for us as we talked about last week.
    • He also serves us by laying down his life for us so that we can find salvation.
  • Have you trusted in the Lord for your salvation?
    • There is no other way to the Father’s house. John 14:6
    • I’m sorry, thank you, please.
    • If you said “yes” to Jesus today, whether for the first time or recommitting, please let me know!
  • When we trust in Jesus for our salvation and accept him as our Lord, we claim the spot that has been prepared for us in our Father’s house.
    • Jesus wants us to be with him in our Father’s house for all of eternity.

The House of the Lord

  • When you hear the words “dwell in the house of the Lord forever” what do you picture in your mind? Perhaps the words from John 14:2 come to mind – “In my Father’s house there are many rooms…”
    • This sounds to me like a warm a cozy place, perhaps with a big fireplace and a nice chair to rest in.
    • I do think we will find an inviting eternal home in our Father’s house, but it will also be a place where we serve. Just like Jesus serves us.
  • To an Old Testament Jew, the words “house of the Lord” would bring to mind a different image. The Temple.
    • The temple was the one place on earth where God promised to dwell. If you wanted to be in the presence of the Lord, that is where you went. If you wanted to offer a sacrifice, the temple was God’s address.
  • Revelation 21:1-4 – New heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem. “the dwelling place of God is with man…” No temple (21:22) because the renewed creation is the temple. We won’t go to God’s address. We will live there!
    • The presence of God and his glory will not be limited to a single building, God’s presence and his glory will be everywhere! We will literally dwell with him and he with us! – All the separation will be over. We will see God, face to face.
    • It will be a place of everlasting worship.
    • In heaven it is not about being served but serving.

Laboring in the Harvest

  • When we trust Jesus for salvation, we also take our place alongside our brothers and sisters in the church, journeying together, as one flock, under the guidance and direction of our Good Shepherd.
    • Don’t miss out on the blessing of life in the Church as you patiently wait for eternal life in heaven. There are so many benefits!
    • Just like in our Father’s house, it is also a place where we are called to serve.
  • We must remember that there are “Other sheep that are not of this fold…” John 10:16
    • William Temple, Abp. of Canterbury, “’The church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.”
      • Most people aren’t looking for a church anymore, we need to go out and find them, not for our sake but for theirs. God loves them and he wants them to come home.
  • Loving our neighbors and helping them to find God, love God, and share God.
    • To fulfill this mission, we need you, every one of you.


  • I want to invite you to join me in renewing our commitment to Good Samaritan Anglican Church – I will be sending you a letter through the mail this week.
    • I know some of you are faithful, regular givers who for various reasons have chosen not to pledge a specific amount of money.
      • This year our pledge cards are different, in fact, we are not even calling them pledge cards, we are calling them “commitment cards.”
      • Whether you choose to pledge a specific amount of money or not, please consider signing your name to the statement at the top of the card.
      • “My Commitment for 2021 – God has been speaking to me through the last few weeks as I have read, marked, learned, and inwardly considered Psalm 23. The experience has reminded me of my confidence in the Lord, the centrality of my faith in Christ, and the joy I find when I participate with my brothers and sisters at Good Samaritan Anglican Church. As an expression of confidence and hope, I promised to support the ongoing life and ministry of my congregation. I will help my church by my presence at worship (online or in-person) and by my gifts of time and money for the expansion of our ministry.”
    • This card is an invitation to give, but also to serve, just as Jesus serves us.
    • We give to things we care about – I love this church, I love every one of you, and I know you love this church too.
      • Our church does need money to pay for expenses, but we also need engagement and participation to fulfill the vision that God has for us.
      • The point is not to be served but to serve.
      • God has called you to live out your faith in the context of our community, come and take your place around the table as well as out in the harvest.

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