The Resurrection of Jesus was shocking, world changing news.
It was so unexpected that even his disciples struggled to believe it! As with most big news, some were excited and others were definitely not! There are three basic approaches you can take when a breaking story puts you in a bad light. 1) cover it up, 2) Wait it out, 3) Admit your wrongdoing, apologize and deal with the consequences. As we consider the news of the Resurrection of Jesus, let us consider each of these approaches.
Our Eternal Home
One of the most important ways that our Good Shepherd watches over us is by bringing us home. First of all he brings us into the fellowship of the Church where we can be a part of his flock. When we die, he brings those who have trusted in him to an eternal home, the Father’s house.
View SermonSaints Today with Hope for Tomorrow
If you golf, you may have golf heroes. Woodworkers have woodworking heroes. Cooks have cooking heroes. As Christians, we have Christian heroes that we call “saints.” The point is not that Saints are so much holier than us and therefore must be much closer to God. All Saints were also sinners. Not perfect. The point is that they give us real, concrete examples of what it looks like to live out the Christian faith.
View SermonThe Near and Distant God
The tension between God’s “closeness” and his “otherness,” his transcendence and his immanence, is part of what led to the doctrine of the Trinity in the early Church. As Christians we believe that God is one God in three Persons. It is hard to get our mind around how this could be, and yet, this is how God has revealed himself to us. It is Jesus, the second person of the Trinity and the “image of the invisible God” who reconnects us with our heavenly Father and makes the distant God near to us once more. For those of us who are “in Christ,” God now dwells within us in the person of the Holy Spirit!
View SermonDestined for Glory
Jesus, who has the power and authority of life, desires for us, splendor and blessing greater than anything we could ask or imagine. His prayer for us, is that we be present with him, in the midst of the glory that is His, before the foundations of the earth; that we all may be one, and know in us, the very love of the Father, as the Father loves the Son, Jesus. May His will be fulfilled in us, that He be known in us and we in Him. Amen.
View SermonNo War, no Pain, no Tears
Memorial Day is a time for us to remember those who have died while serving our country in the armed forces. It brings us face to face with the harsh reality of war and the struggle for power between nations. The Book of Revelation gives us hope by reminding us that war will not be a part of the new heaven and new earth, neither will there be any more pain, or suffering, or tears, for the former things will pass away.
View SermonLove is…
There is something in us that loves weddings. It is beautiful to see a couple come together, pledging to love one another, through good times and bad times, until they are parted by death. Every human marriage points both backwards and forwards. Backwards to the one flesh union of our first parents, Adam and Eve. And forward to the marriage of the Lamb and his Bride in the book of Revelation. From this perfect, heavenly marriage we see a tangible example for us of what it means to love.
View SermonFor All the Saints
In the scriptures, the word which we translate as “saint” means “holy one.” We tend to think about the saints as the heroes of our faith, people who have lived exceptional lives of holiness and service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and they are! But the Bible also uses the word “saint” to describe every believer, all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. We may not be perfectly holy yet, but we are becoming holy day by day as we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
View SermonThe God Who Pursues Us
The God who Pursues Us 2018-04-01 – Year B – Easter Sunday – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Christians…
View SermonRemember your Baptism!
Remember your Baptism! Sermon 2017-11-05 – Year A – All Saints Sunday – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Revelation 7:9–17; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1:11–23; Matthew 5:1–12 All Saints Day, Halloween,…
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