2021-04-18 – Year B – Easter 3 – The Rev. Canon Christopher Klukas
Micah 4:1-5; Psalm 98:1-5; 1 John 1:1-2:2; Luke 24:36-49
Witnesses Sent by the Lord
- Luke 24:46-49
- v. 46 – the Cross and Resurrection
- v. 47 – the content and recipients of the message
- v. 48 – the messengers – “witnesses” the Apostles
- What is a witness? Someone who has personally observed something.
- The apostles observed Jesus’ earthly ministry, one of them saw him die, and all of them saw him after the resurrection.
- Acts 1:21-22 – Qualifications for a successor to Judas
- v. 49 – the power – the Holy Spirit
John the Witness
- John was one of the Apostles to whom Jesus spoke on Easter evening
- 1 John 1:1-2 – John grounds his testimony in what he has seen and heard.
- The Gospel of John is his detailed eyewitness account. His own experience of Jesus
- 1 John 1:3 – John doesn’t keep this testimony to himself, he proclaims it.
- The purpose of proclamation – fellowship with “us,” fellowship with the Father and the Son
- 1 John 1:1-2 – John grounds his testimony in what he has seen and heard.
- The content of the message
- Integrity (v. 6)
- John 13:17 – “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.”
- Confession and Forgiveness (v. 8-9)
- Freedom and Sanctification (2:1-2)
- Propitiation “pertains to Christ’s sacrifice for sins in order to bring about a peaceful relationship between God and humanity.”
- Integrity (v. 6)
I am a Witness
- I was not present 2,000 years ago to see the resurrected Jesus. But I have seen evidence of what God has done in my own life.
- That which I have heard and seen I can proclaim to you and others.
- I grew up in a church-going Christian home with a priest for a father.
- I don’t ever remember a time when I didn’t believe the facts of the Bible to be true as recorded. I have always identified as a Christian.
- When I was in middle school and early high school, I began to feel like something was missing in the spiritual area of my life.
- Tried various forms of Christian prayer and also tried to integrate some new age practices. Something was still missing.
- I was also not the nicest person during this season. I probably looked ok on the outside, but I was often unkind to my brother and my parents.
- Happening retreat
- Discovered that I could have a relationship with God and that I needed to own my faith for myself.
- This was the spiritual turning point in my life. God became personal to me.
- Transformed my relationships.
- Still struggled with various sins, my journey has had ups and downs, but knowing Jesus has made all the difference.
- I may not have seen the resurrected Jesus with my eyes or had the opportunity to touch him, but I know he is alive!
You are a Witness
- How do you know that God is real? What has been your experience of God?
- How has God changed your life?
- That which you have heard and see you can proclaim to me and to others.
- The power of the Holy Spirit