Pulling Weeds

If you have ever planted a garden, you know what it is like to pull weeds. Weeds are relentless, and there are always more of them. Imagine, however, if someone intentionally sprinkled weed seeds into your garden! What would you do? How would you respond?

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The Sower

What does it matter what I listen to or read, or take in? Surely it’s just a book, a song with random lyrics, a youtube channel, a podcast, or just entertainment, right? Wrong!! Jesus talks today about living lives that can create a soft heart willing to receive the Word of God. Jesus shows us the importance of thinking critically about what we put into our minds and hearts. Filling our time with scripture, classic Christian writers, and worship music can help create a soft heart ready to receive the Word of God. Jesus longs to love you and to give you peace and goodness come to him for comfort and wisdom.

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Finding Rest in Jesus

It can be hard to truly rest. There are so many things in life that we feel we need to strive for. Many even strive to be righteous before God, but all who try have failed. Jesus promises another way, a way of rest.

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Proper 8

God offers fullness & beauty for love unto Him and to others. And the promise, of the power of God, that His love for us shall be unbroken. His charity and power to save are unparalleled. We can offer no greater gift, to our loved ones then to love them in Christ. Who’s unmatched power and sincerity in love alone can fulfill the blessing & promise of love.

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Suffering for the Name

As Christians, we have chosen to follow one who was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief…” (Isaiah 53:3). Jesus clashed with the authorities of his day, and he eventually died because of it. If Jesus suffered, should we be surprised when we suffer? Today we will look at the reality of the persecuted church around the world.

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Living in the Mission of God

God longs to give us a mission and purpose in our life. God longs to show you what he wants you to to in this life so that you can experience deep fulfillment in your life. Our personal missions are meant to be a part of the great mission to reach the world with the loving message of hope, redemption, and restoration. Do we have to do this perfectly? Absolutely not!! But we are called to try, stumble, get back up, and try again. We are supposed to change, to be challenged in our thinking, and submit our ideas to the living God and to His Word.

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The Strong Name of the Trinity

As we look at the doctrine of the Trinity, both in the Scriptures and in theology, we can say simply that we worship One God in three Persons. We can’t really explain exactly how this is possible, and it bends our brains trying to figure it out. What we can do is respond to the Trinity in three important ways: comfort, awe, and praise.

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A Tale of Two Mountains

Epiphany “a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something” or “an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being.” The Transfiguration reveals, yet again the fullness of who Jesus really is, and it points the way towards what he came to do. The readings this morning show us two very different but connected encounters with God on mountain tops and they show us what these two things mean for our lives.

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Participating in the Mission of God

God is a missionary God. All mission is first and foremost God’s mission (or Missio Dei in Latin). We see this in Matthew 9:35 where Jesus, God himself, goes on mission. God invites us to participate in his mission reconcile the world to himself through prayer, sending, and going.

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Why do Good?

In the fifth chapter of Matthew, Jesus explains to his followers how he wants them (and now us) to behave in the world by using two metaphors: salt and light. He is indicating that we should be people who do good in the world. Many of us have taken this to heart and try to do good things as we are able to, but have you ever considered why we do good things? The whys (motives) behind our good deeds are just as important as the whats (our actual good actions). I can think of four basic motives, some good, some not.

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