Palm Sunday

It is in the nature of God to profoundly love us even though we are broken, lost, and often make bad decisions. It was profound love for you, me, and all of humanity that Jesus took upon the cross so many years ago so that we might know the way to the Father. Jesus’ gift of being willing to suffer so traumatically for all of us was meant to set us free from our brokenness and free from our addictions and free from our thoughts of worthlessness. Come and see that the Lord is good this Holy Week.

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Loving your Neighbor

We can see needs around us all the time. How often do we stop to help? There are lots of reason we might give for not helping, and some of them are probably good ones. But if we always pass by without helping, it may be evidence of a heart problem.

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Pursuing Christ

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians we hear of pursing Christ. Have you even had to learn a new skill? If you struggled and persisted in learning something new joy truly comes from gaining understanding and capability. Paul encourages us to strain towards Christ seeking him. We will never truly arrive on this side of the cross but instead experience a life of growing and changing in our love of the Lord. Press towards Christ seeking him and He will be found.

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What Blinds Us?

What Blinds Us? 2018-03-23 – Year B – Palm Sunday – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Mark 11:1-11a; Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalm 22:1-11; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 15:1-39   Magic tricks are…

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Leading Fruitful Lives

Leading Fruitful Lives 2017-10-22 – Year A – Pentecost 10-5 – The Rev. Christopher Klukas Isaiah 5:1–7; Psalm 80:(1–6), 7–19; Philippians 3:14–21; Matthew 21:33–44 The Master is Looking for Fruit…

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