God held back the water of the river Jordan so that the people of Israel could cross on dry ground as they made their way into the land of Canaan. As they crossed, God instructed them to pick up twelve large stones from the river bed, and Joshua arranged them in a pile on the other side. These stones were to remain there as a testimony, a reminder of the faithfulness of God and a mechanism for passing the faith down to through the generations. When we look back on the stories of God’s faithfulness, both in our own lives, and in the history of God’s people, it helps us to face the obstacles that are yet to come.
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How is a Person like a Paint Bucket?
2018-08-26 – Year B – Pentecost 8-21 – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Joshua 24:1–2a, 14–25; Psalm 16; Ephesians 5:21–33; John 6:60–69 Decisions We are blessed to live in…
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