Doubt and Faith

The Greek word for “faith” (pisteuo, pistis) also means believe, trust, and obey. Sometimes we think of faith as an acknowledgement of a historical fact (like the Resurrection) but it has more to do with how you live your life trusting in that fact. What difference does your belief make in your life? What difference did it make in the lives of the Apostles?

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Good Friday

This is the amazing grace that we sing about: that Jesus, the only one ever without the stain of sin, offered himself as a sacrifice for all, that we might be saved and reconciled to God. Today we thank him for this amazing grace. And we accept, once again the gift that he gives us.

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I am a Doer of the Word

Reading and studying the Bible is of the utmost importance as we follow Jesus as Christians. But it is not enough to just read the Bible, we also need to put the things we read into practice. Jesus meets us wherever we are, but he is not content to leave us there, he wants to transform us through his Holy Spirit who he has placed in our hearts. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15, ESV).

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No Longer Forsaken

Have you ever felt forsaken and desolate? Do you feel that way right now? These are the terms that Isaiah used to describe the nation of Israel, but he also said that they would be called a new name, “My delight is in her,” and their land would be termed “Married.” Marriage is one of the key images that God uses to describe his love for his people. In this sermon, find out what this means for you.

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Poetic Truth

Poetry can be beautiful and it can express truth in ways that prose can’t, but it can also be cryptic! The prologue of the Gospel of John is much like poetry, it is beautiful, and it can be hard to understand at first, but it contains some important truth about who God is and who we are, along with a surprise that is almost too good to be true (but it is true!).

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Taste and See

2018-08-12 – Year B – Pentecost 8-7 – The Rev. Christopher Klukas Deuteronomy 8:1–10; Psalm 34; Ephesians 4:25–5:2; John 6:37–51   As David continued to flee from Saul, he went…

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