Jesus wants us to have thriving marriages and to struggle for the good in each other. Jesus wants to be in the midst of us challenging us, changing us, and showing us how to live more kindly, more gently, and more lovingly. If you choose to walk in the spirit then your closest relationships in life are supposed to be filled with gentleness, love, kindness, and faithfulness. I would encourage you to take some time and reflect on how God might be wanting to help you in your life.
View SermonEphesians
Bread of Life for Eternal Life
The eternal life that Jesus offers is not just an elongation of our present life. It involves his transformation both of us and of all creation. Elongation would involve continuing in this present world with all of its sin, suffering, and difficulties. On the other hand, Jesus boldly proclaims in Revelation 21:5 – “Behold I am making all things new.” And the verse before this tells us that “[God] will wipe away every tear from every eye…” So Jesus, the bread of life, is both a gift for this life (no more spiritual hunger) and for eternity.
View SermonTruth in Christ
Where there is Jesus, there is truth, where there is Jesus there is life, even life eternal. Scripture reminds us that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life.
View SermonSent
How long is a long time? When your parents were born? The Civil War? The Declaration of Independence? Martin Luther? The formation of the Grand Canyon? Even before that, Paul reminds us in his letter to the Ephesians, he chose you before the foundation of the world.
View SermonLet Us Go to the House of the Lord
In the years before the exile to Babylon, The Lord gave warning after warning to the people of Israel, but they wouldn’t listen. They continued to worship false gods and participate in abominable practices. Lest we look down on the Israelites in judgment, however, let us point a finger at ourselves. Just like the sins of Israel caused them to be cut off from the land that was promised to them and the temple where God had promised to dwell among them, so also our sins have caused us to be cut off from God. But the Lord also promised hope through the prophet Jeremiah.
View SermonGrowing as a Saint
What does a Holy Spirit filled life look like? The beatitudes found in the gospel today point the way towards the characteristics of a Holy Spirit life. Jesus is not just giving advice but rather he is saying something different. These ‘blessings’, the ‘wonderful news’ that he’s announcing, are not saying ‘try hard to live like this.’ They are saying that people who already are like that will experience joy. What could it be like to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit? Could you life be more orderly, could it be more joyful, could you experience more peace in your situation?
View SermonHow to Vote as a Christian
Why should we, as Christians, be involved in worldly politics?
Trevon Wax, Sr. VP of Theology and Communications at Lifeway – “Our involvement in the political process is a way that we love our neighbors. It’s a way that we care for the world that God has entrusted to us, for the culture and the society that’s around us. ” In this sermon we will reflect on how we should discern our election decisions as Christians, as well as how we can be salt and light in a politically polarized world.
Every Race and Nation
On the day of Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples were waiting in an upper room as Jesus had instructed them to do. Suddenly, the sound of a mighty rushing wind blew through the room and the Holy Spirit descended on each of the disciples in tongues of flame. Immediately they were able to preach the Gospel to people of every race and nation using languages they had never learned, and a fire for the mission of the church was lit that still burns today. And yet, there is still so much sin in the world, so much brokenness and hatred, so much division, so many who have yet to hear and respond to the Gospel. The Lord needs workers for his harvest. Where is the Holy Spirit sending you?
View SermonWalking in Love
2020-03-22 – Year A – Lent 4 – The Rev. Christopher M. Klukas Psalm 23; Ephesians 5:1-14; John 9:1-13, 28-38 I was able to get out of the house yesterday…
View SermonSaints Today with Hope for Tomorrow
If you golf, you may have golf heroes. Woodworkers have woodworking heroes. Cooks have cooking heroes. As Christians, we have Christian heroes that we call “saints.” The point is not that Saints are so much holier than us and therefore must be much closer to God. All Saints were also sinners. Not perfect. The point is that they give us real, concrete examples of what it looks like to live out the Christian faith.
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