We are called to be missional stewards of God’s resources, be it time, talent, or treasure. God has entrusted each of us with resources that he expects us to use for his glory and the expansion of his kingdom. Today we will focus on the “talent” aspect of stewardship. “Using one’s God-given abilities wisely and productively is a vital aspect of discipleship and will be rewarded with additional opportunities to serve God faithfully and fruitfully” (ESV Study Bible). What are you doing with what God has given you?
View Sermon1 Peter
The Place Where God Dwells
For the sons of Korah, the authors of Psalm 84, there was no better place to be than the Temple. The temple was intended by God to be an earthly representation of God’s heavenly courts. A place where heaven and earth met. Even today, when we worship it gives us a foretaste of heaven. Today, we give God thanks for this house of worship as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the consecration of this building. Since that day there have been approximately 520 Sundays and probably at least 2000 opportunities for corporate worship! At the same time, we remember that the church is not a building, it is people!
View SermonTempted
Tempted Sermon 2018-02-18 – Year B – Lent 1 – The Rev. Christopher Klukas Genesis 9:8–17; Psalm 25:3–9; 1 Peter 3:18–22; Mark 1:9–13 Have you ever seen a red…
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