Sunday After Ascension

Jesus is the way of God, God revealed directly into our hearts. There is none other, no other redeeming Savior. It is in the way of Christ, who leads us, shows us the grace and love of the Father. In Him we are set free, to know Him, His truth in us. He is not distant, nor hidden; He is always before us. Ever present. He is before all time; He is eternal; his promise is fulfilled in the way of life.

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Rejoice all the earth!

Amen, and I say let our spirits Rejoice! For We are wonderfully and uniquely made in the image of our loving God; and therefore I am assured that we have within us, the raw capacity to love, serve, protect, and care for one another; but we, in our corrupted nature, often struggle to move in the way of love, or fully discern, the way of truth and that of a pure heart, from those competing voices, of our flesh and our self-interest and the world. So, when we consider the precepts of God, that call for us to love one another, how would we say we are doing?

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Made One in Christ

Jesus the Christ is the way the truth and the life into the kingdom of God. He is our garment of salvation, His righteousness bestowed upon us; He is our hope and our fulfillment. In Him we are bound unto the intimate relationship with God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who loves us and calls us to Him in power. We are united to one another and become a member of His glory. Blessed are those invited to the wedding supper of the lamb

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Proper 8

God offers fullness & beauty for love unto Him and to others. And the promise, of the power of God, that His love for us shall be unbroken. His charity and power to save are unparalleled. We can offer no greater gift, to our loved ones then to love them in Christ. Who’s unmatched power and sincerity in love alone can fulfill the blessing & promise of love.

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Life in the Lamb

Our Lord, Jesus, has so much love for us, and hope for our lives, that He offered His own, to save ours. He who created us, who called us into being, is Himself the greatest respecter and investor for the sacredness of human life. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He suffered and gave life so that no other substitutional sacrifice would need to be offered to sustain us in life before God. We are called to take joy in the gift and blessing of life in Him. We are called to defend and protect the sanctity of life of others. Those living in our midst, and for the unborn, and for all those dependent or defenseless, upon grace for the hope and fullness of life. We are to extend hope and mercy to each one. Let us take courage in the word of God through the Apostle Paul from 1 Corinthians 1: 4-8: “Let us give thanks for one another to the Lord, because of the grace given in Jesus Christ, that in every way you are enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Following Christ to Serve Those in Need

We are uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of our loving God! We are called into relationship that our lives may be more perfectly transformed by the life of Christ, our Savior. In the parable of the beggar Lazarus and the rich man, Jesus is leading us in the way of God’s love toward those in need. In God’s love for us, Christ gave himself as the undeserved favor for those in need, to grant that which is outside of our power: life, salvation, grace, and mercy. We are called to follow in the way of Christ, in love and consideration of others, from the bounty of God’s blessing and endless resource.

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Destined for Glory

Jesus, who has the power and authority of life, desires for us, splendor and blessing greater than anything we could ask or imagine. His prayer for us, is that we be present with him, in the midst of the glory that is His, before the foundations of the earth; that we all may be one, and know in us, the very love of the Father, as the Father loves the Son, Jesus. May His will be fulfilled in us, that He be known in us and we in Him. Amen.

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